FormView Control Container Properties


Settings for adding a containing DIV around a control in the FormView layout.

Container class name

One or more classes applied to the container.

Container inline style

Specify in-line styling to apply to the container

Container item name

The Container item name can be used to add an item to the container that can be used to handle events - such as when the container is clicked or tapped.


Items are defined on the Items tab in the Form View Builder to handle events. For example, for a map control added to the FormView layout, an item could be added that displayed the latitude and longitude when the container is clicked.


Container item value

The Container item value property defines the value to pass to the item for the container. The value can reference fields in the FormView control using curly-brace syntax. For example:

{latitude}, {longitude}

This will pass in the value of the latitude and longitude fields to the events for the item. In the onClick event for the item, the value is available in the v variable. For example:

alert("You clicked the map! Value: " + v);

When the container that has been assigned the item is clicked, it displays the alert with the latitude and longitude values:


Wrap in container div

If checked, the control will be wrapped in a DIV control.